
If you would like to contribute to this year's HideBird (Deadline 1st August 2012) then follow the instructions below -

By Mail - Send or Deliver your bird (images and / or sculptures) to 28 Barrett Road, Walthamstow, E17 9ET, UK include your name, email address and a decription of your bird. If you'd like a copy of the 'spotter's guide' then also include a stamped address envelope.

By email - Send a jpeg image of your bird to
This could be an image using any material, a photograph of a bird using scrap materials or a colourful drawing.
Include your name and description of your bird.

Please read (below) where we plan to exhibit/include your creation -

We will exhibit your bird in the Virtual Hide online.
We would like to include an image of every bird in the 'Spotters Guide'
but if space is limited then, as a minimum, we will acknowledge your name/contribution. We need to receive your bird before 1st August 2012 if we're going to include it in the spotters guide.
We would like to exhibit every bird we receive in the Hide,
 but may not be able to do so due to limited space.

We look forward to seeing what you create!
Dean and Alban

We aim to be totally inclusive but reserve the right to reject any bird that is inappropriate for exhibiting in a public environment.
Unfortunately we cannot return your birds after we have exhibited them.